Donnerstag, 18. August 2011

The trip to Germany....Part 1

So, this is taken from what I wrote to a few friends as we were beginning our adventure across the Atlantic Ocean.  Picture this...a family of 6, 2 dogs moving for 3 years, max'ed out on our allowed luggage allowance from the airline.  Our trip begins in Los Angeles, CA...'s the first part....Millers at LAX...
  So we are picked up at our hotel...12 suitcases, 2 dog kennels, 10 carry-on bags,  4 extremely EXCITED girls and two parents thinking what in the bleep were we thinking? As we boarded the shuttle we quickly were the talk of the bus whether it was in English or another language. I am sure they all were begging to God, "please let us not be on their flight" and watching/hearing us was; I am, sure great birth control for the young folks.  After much maneuvering all our items were safely placed in the shuttle when we hear "MOM, where's the seat belts? Mom, are we at the airport? Mom look there's a green taxi. Mom why are we stopping? (Red light) Mom, are we there yet? How long will it be to the airport? To Germany?" Lord, help us, I thought to myself. So after the LONG drive of 5 minutes the driver stop several doors past our airline, which for this fit mom would be welcomed on a normal day...but today was no normal, we're moving to Germany.  I proceeded out w/ what seems like 100lbs on my back, a 25lb purse, and 4 more carry-ons. I got 2 luggage carts for our Trent begin to place our suitcases on these mini, luggage carts...all the while a bazillion people walked by and starred, even a bus load of security watched us like we were some sort of freak show...some help they were. SO 6 to 7 suitcases on my miniscule cart, a few kids w/ carry-ons I began the loooong walk to the doors....about 15 steps and the cart collapsed! Oh dear God, I thought to myself chuckling (I had to laugh on the outside because I was frustratingly crying on the inside begging for someone to help this family clearly in need). An airport worker began yelling at me "You have too much luggage". "Really? Didn't get that" I thought.   He helped us, got another tiny cart, loaded it for us and went on his way. So L pushed one, I steered it as I had 4 carry-ons and 150lb weight on my back and a 50lb purse w/ a little 5 year old holding my hand while Ailee is walking w/ us. G was carrying Toffee's kennel and poor T went thru a human obstacle course pulling/dragging 2 carts w/ a bazillion suitcases.  I chose to ignore all the stairs and go straight to Lufthansa check in booths. Now, I have an amazingly brilliant husband who got the lowdown when to check in the day before so he knew there would be no lines. Smart move Miller, we went straight up to a check-in person...if that was all....over an hour, a trip to the bathroom and a meltdown later, T was escorted outside to take the dogs out for one final 'relief'....
  Now security...T and I had already a plan I go first, G, L, A and J then case of a bag search.....and yes we did get a bag search...of course in true chaotic Miller form.  It wouldn't be a 'normal, Miller adventure w/out bumps in the we ventured the looooonnng walk to the international terminal and boy did we once again get looked at when our kids were clearly excited about the moving sidewalks.  Really, I am a gal who does not like extra attention...but when you have four girls you get attention.  We finally made it to our gate and I plopped in what felt like the most comfiest chair ever when our 3 little girls squealed w/ delight at all the planes taking off...every minute!! At one point when T was talking w/ A she, in true UP! form (u know the movie..dogs and "SQUIRRIL" part) she exclaimed AIRPLANE!! We all cracked up, in need of a much tension relief. 
  So now we continue waiting with children excited to get on the plane.  Really? They have no idea they will be contained for 10+ hours in a very confined space...
We pray our dogs make it to our final destination alive and well...and we pray that for T and I too, as well as lots of that too much to ask for after our last few hours? I think not!!

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