Mittwoch, 24. August 2011

on a different note

This morning on my run, I just thought about my upcoming 'holiday' and what I would love to have for my birthday....
  *to move in our new place
  * a lot more grace and patience
  *the ability to cook in a kitchen with a working frig
  * to have my friends and family with me
  * to sleep in

But really, those will happen in due time and really aren't that big of a deal. Then God reminded my of a dear old friend who, 9 years ago, threw me a surprised 30th birthday during my husband's deployment.  While I was completely surprised, what struck me as amazing was when her husband came out holding their 2nd child to greet me.  He explained to me what Debbie had organized, but her father was very ill and she suddeningly had to go and be with him. I thought, wow, i am honored to have someone think highly enough of me to spend the time to organize this but also to have a husband willing to enterain the folks while his wife was tending to her father.  Really, they could have cancelled it and I would have never known the difference.  But, wait...there's more....that child that Andy was holding...well she later was sick. I recall her throwing up in the sink.  Boy talk about bad timing.  We all stayed for a bit and then left so Andy could take care of his family.  I left feeling so grateful for friends like that. 
   Now, fast forward 9 years later...they are fighting a battle no family/parent wants to fight, cancer.  One of their daughters has a rare form of bone cancer.  As i continued to run this morning, I prayed, Lord, please for my birthday, give us a cure of that terrible disease.  It breaks my heart for Debbie and Andy and their entire family.  What often, we see as an inconviences (ei: having 4 kids in 4 different schools), they would love to have ALL four kids in 4 different schools.  One can't, you see she is in the hospital fighting a tough fight.  Unfortunitly, they are not the only friends who are fighting that battle. Ellen started chemo again for the second time (it came back), Emily is a single mom struggling to pay the hospitial bills for her treatment, Julie and Melissa's moms are toward the end of their battle before they meet their creator.  
  So while I may not get a cure for cancer for my birthday; may I ask you all, on Friday, please pray for these and folks you know who have cancer.   Pray for perservance, that their faith is or will be strong in the Lord inspite of this terrible time they are enduring, pray for their friends to continue supporting them and meeting their needs even when they don't know how, and lastly continue praying for a cure and supporting cancer.  You may give to my friend's daugher's hosipital for children at
check out Ellen's blog - she is a much better writer than I ever will be...
Thank you friends for just reading this and praying, that is enough of a birthday gift for me.  :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hi Kristine,

    Wow, you've had quite the adventure,haven't you? I hope you are getting a little settled by now! I wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blogs. Thank you so much for including Gabi in this post. You are too kind. We appreciate as many people who are willing to pray for her. The more the better. I will pray for Ellen and Emily and for Julie and Melissa's mom as well. Have a good day and thank you!

    Debbie Shull
