Freitag, 19. August 2011

Part 2 - The Arrival

We boarded our plan and Trent was with 3 of the girls way in the back while I was with A a few rows ahead of them. The flight was full of families so no one wanted to switch with us so we can be all together.  No biggie.  It is always fun sitting next to a child who is doing something for the first time; in this case flying.  She was excited to be next to the window, I think the gentleman who offered to switch didn’t like the alternative – sitting next to a 6 year old.  What amazed my sweet little Lee was her fascination with the flight map on the TV.  She would visually see where we were, how much longer it would take, how long we’ve been flying, and what time it was in Germany.  Cool stuff for a very visual child.  We both were impressed with our dinner; Lufthansa is a great airline to fly with, and shortly after our meal A fell asleep.  I; however, did for maybe an hour or two before I was awoken by the young boy sitting in front of us. Let’s just say we had the ‘privilege’ of sitting next to most people’s nightmare child…extremely squirmy, loud, a climber, and with a parent who slept the entire time. Oh well, at least A slept.
Upon our arrival to Frankfort, we had the pleasure of walking with a ton of carry on’s and 4 extremely tired children to the furthest possible connecting gate.  Seriously, I thought; but the children were amused by the walking escalators.  Whatever makes them happy.
Our next flight would be a very short one – 25 minutes.  Did I mention I like Lufthansa Airlines?  Tons of leg room and; my kids favorite, the gave them a basket of toys to choose from and a large chocolate bar (which was really yummy)
Now, this is where our adventure gets interesting again.  We get off the plan and proceed to baggage claim.  This time, we’re getting 3 luggage carts – we’re thinkers. We had an audience….all the folks picking up passengers were on the other side of a large glass wall with the best seats in town to view this ‘large’ American family attempting to get their 12 checked bags and 2 dogs.  Trent went to get the dogs, while I prayed they were still alive and tried getting our luggage from the luggage belt. I had the luggage carts lined up with girls bracing them for once we put our luggage on them.  Our first suitcase came about 5 minutes before the mad rush of suitcase.  Once the rush came, I just threw them aside into a heaping pile.  I hear the familiar barking of our dogs and was relieved they were alive and Trent and I continued to get the remaining luggage.  Because we were tired, our minds weren’t just working correctly so it took us what seemed forever to figure the right configuration of how the luggage will make it outside.  It was obvious that the person picking us up clearly knew which family with the dogs he was picking up. Again, we stood out.  I had a carrier, Trent and L…the little girls had carry on’s on their backs and wheeling a small suitcase.  We began to go out the doors where the pick-up people were.  And guess what happens again to my cart – it tips in the doorway. UGH, I once again wanted to cry but laughed.  With the help of someone (not sure if it was Trent or someone else) we reloaded and got it out of the way of many annoyed people trying to get through the door.  Our sponsor met us and took a cart and we moved out of the way.  Trent and G took the dogs out across the street to do their thing. During that time our sponsor began led us to the van that would hold our luggage. Well, poor L obediently followed as I mentioned to him “um, is there another way out for luggage carts” looking at the circular rotation doors.  “No, that’s it,” he replied and proceeded out with no avail.  Lauren, however, was just in the door with 2 German men as a backpack strap got tangled into the wheel of the cart jamming it and somehow jamming the entire door.  So here is my overly dramatic 10 year old with a jammed cart full of luggage trapped in a rotation door with 2 clearly annoyed men.  Now these 2 men have been watching us the entire time and did not even attempt to help us.  I felt so helpless for poor L on the other side of the doors with our 2 young ones.  After a few minutes someone got the doors unjammed and L escaped the fury of the rotation doors.  Guess what happens to me? Yup “timber”, the overstuff cart tipped over AGAIN!!  This time, a sweet young German lady helped me and I proceeded to escape the horror of the doors and, by the grace of God, got out of the terminal alive!!  All the while, Trent and G had no idea what had happen.  Our sponsor brought us to our hotel and he, Trent and the other driver walked the 3 flights up n down with our entire luggage.  And that was our adventure just getting to Germany, I am still not mentally well enough to think about what the next 3 years will bring us, but if it is anything like our trip here, well, there will be lots of laughter and great memories to be had. 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Wow! WHAT A TRIP! So thankful you have the Lord to help you through all that! And the adjustment of being in Germany. Could you imagine doing all that without Him? Yuck! You are such a blessing, Kristine! Thank you for sharing your adventures with us! Don't forget to keep us updated!!

    ~Melissa <><

  2. Girlie...You make me laugh, but I know that I would have been crying too! I am so thankful that you guys arer there, that the doggies made it, and that you are starting to explore & enjoy Germany! Erin
